Our Team

Carmelo Samano

Senior Art Designer

Joining the HMR Designs team nearly ten years ago, Carmelo has proven to be an irreplaceable craftsman in our ever-growing art department. He specializes in 3-D art and prop work, producing oversized (or undersized) design elements to any custom celebration. A six-foot broadway sign for your birthday? Carmelo. Giant ice cream cones for a mitzvah? Carmelo. He’s even executed a functioning ferris wheel on more than one occasion. When he’s not busy bringing a designers vision to reality, Carmelo loves to spend time with his family.

  • Where are you from/? Michoacan, Mexico
  • What is most rewarding about the work you do? Seeing constructive ideas become reality.
  • Describe your personality in five words. Respectful, responsible, easy going, funny and playful.
  • What's your favorite thing about HMR? The team diversity and company flexibility. I’ve been here for a while so I’ve been able to showcase what I’m capable of doing and they respect that. If you give respect you’ll get it right back.
  • What makes you smile? My kids, getting up each morning and thanking God for another day, appreciating life, thinking positively and living one day at a time.